Elimsport Valley
United Methodist Parish

David Shultz, Pastor

 Parsonage Phone: (570) 547-1162
Church email: elimsportumc@gmail.com

16145 S Rt. 44 HWY
Allenwood, PA 17810

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Elimsport UMC
16145 S Rt. 44 Hwy
Allenwood, PA 17810

St. John's UMC
715 Pikes Peak Rd.
Allenwood, PA 17810

Worship 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Parish Bible Study: Tuesday evenings at the Elimsport Church at 6:30 pm

Sunday School 9:15 A.M.
Worship 10:30 A.M.
Parish Bible Study: Tuesday evenings at the Elimsport Church at 6:30 pm


Tithes and Offerings!



  "Chruch Service Videos"                               

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Church email: elimsportumc@gmail.com